
Therapeutic Yoga for Obesity – One to One Session

From: £356.0 From: £256.0

SKU: N/A Category: Product ID: 1563



Obesity is an unnatural state caused basically by activeness, high caloric intake, and metabolic factors. The tendency to not perform any physical exercise is the main cause of increased weight. It is difficult to specify beyond what weight a person is considered obese. A chart of the ratios of age, height and weight is prepared and efforts to define obesity using this chart have been made. (Such a chart is given at the end of this chapter). While no one can firmly state such charts are 100% accurate there is no difference of opinion regarding the consequences of obesity.

Therapeutic Yoga for Obesity – One to One Session

Duration: 60 Minutes per day

Recommendation: Subscribe for 96 days for the best results

Prices: £256 per month (3 sessions per week)

Price: £768 3 months (3 sessions per week)

Price: £1536 6 months (3 sessions per week)

Location: Online

Language: English

A Diet chart will be issued after a month of the therapeutic session (only for 3 months subscribers).

Actually, obesity is not a disease but the source of many diseases. The body has its own existence and hence its own weight. This weight affects all the functioning systems in the body. It starts affecting the functioning systems unfavourably when it starts exceeding its optimal limit. If the body weight puts stress on the organs, the organs that are weak are unable to function appropriately and a disease is developed in that organ. Hence it is said that obesity is the mother of many diseases.

The increasing body weight is nothing but the weight of excess fats stored in the body. A person feels exhausted even while walking with this increased weight. Climbing a staircase or running becomes difficult. The rate of breathing becomes rapid with even a little exhaustion. Sweats more and all this puts a strain on the heart. Consequently, diseases like heart disease, hypertension, asthma, arthritis or anaemia start emerging. The person is advised to reduce his weight at such times but reducing weight becomes difficult once a victim of the disease. Trapped in this vicious circle, the obese person not only becomes a patient but also begins a rapid journey towards death. Hence, even if obesity is not a disease, it must be cured of as quickly as possible.
Major causes of obesity:

Lack of Exercise
Inappropriate diet
Impairment in the digestive system.
Mental Stress
Imbalance in the function of Endocrine glands

Yoga does not offer quick weight loss. However it does offer long lasting effects. Initially you may feel that you aren’t making any progress with weight loss but you’ll start feeling more active and alive inside. Eventually the body will start responding and come back in good shape. Always remember that patience is of the essence. Don’t lose hope and be regular with your practice. Talk to your yoga therapist and chalk out a custom-made regime to help you lose weight.

A healthy body can be a home to a calm and receptive mind. It not only makes you look good but also adds confidence. It also takes you away from health risks so that you can enjoy life more freely. Yoga helps you gain all this by losing what harms your body. It’s a perfect win-win situation where you lose weight and gain back control of your body. So roll out your yoga mat and take the natural route to fighting obesity today.

Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits, yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained Mind & Soul Yoga Therapist. In case of any medical condition, practice yoga postures after consulting a doctor and a Mind & Soul Yoga Therapist.

Mind & Soul Therapists work on IAYT (Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy) models which help to get the best results.

Pancha Koshas:

Annamaya Kosha -The Food sheath / Physical Body
Pranamaya kosha – The Breath sheath / Energy Body
Manomaya Kosha – The Mind sheath / Mental Body
Vijnanamaya Kosha – The Intellect sheath / Wisdom Body
Anandamaya Kosha – The bliss sheath / Bliss Body

The Takeaway

All yoga poses you practice at the classes may help to improve your organ function. Do what feels best on a daily basis. Try to do at least a little bit of yoga each day.
All yoga poses you practice at the classes may lead you to discover new variations and postures that bring you the most benefit. Always listen to your body. Be aware of how each pose affects you and especially your thyroid.
Exclusive food diet chart according to your body fit.
Free monthly counselling and enhance the classes according to the feedback.
Exclusive membership discounts on weekly events from Mind and Soul.

Things You Need for Yoga

Your Own Yoga Mat
2 cushions – OPTIONAL
2 blocks (or thick books) – OPTIONAL
Strap (or belt or towel) – OPTIONAL

The props above are not a mandatory requirements, but can help to create a more comfortable and safe practice (I will always explain when & how to use them).


Yoga brings many benefits to your overall health and well-being. It can balance your energy, increase flexibility, and relieve stress. There is a connection between stress and hypothyroidism, but certain yoga poses are thought to balance out BMI.

Why Yoga Therapy?

  1. Yoga helps you to be fit all the time.
  2. Yoga helps to enhance the issues slowly and steadily.
  3. There are no side effects.
  4. It requires only few minutes and a yoga mat with a suitable place to practice.
  5. Easy and doable for everyone.

Additional information


1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months


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